WhatsApp has announced that two new features, disappearing messages and WhatsApp pay, have been added to the messaging application and will be available to the users very soon.
The WhatsApp disappearing messages feature which automatically deletes messages after seven days will be available this month while WhatsApp Pay has officially been launched in India.
The two features, according to WhatsApp, will be available on all WhatsApp supported operating systems that include Android, iOS, and KaiOS.
The Facebook-owned company said the goal of the new disappearing feature is “to make conversations on WhatsApp feel as close to in-person as possible, which means they shouldn’t have to stick around forever”.
“That’s why we’re excited to introduce the option to use disappearing messages on WhatsApp.
“When the ‘disappearing messages’ feature is turned on, new messages sent to a chat will disappear after 7 days, helping the conversation feel lighter and more private,” it said in a statement.
The company believes that “not all messages need to stick around forever.”
“We’re starting with seven days because we think it offers peace of mind that conversations aren’t permanent while remaining practical so you don’t forget what you were chatting about.
“The shopping list or store address you received a few days ago will be there while you need it, and then disappear after you don’t,” it elaborated.
How To Enable The Disappearing Feature
– Open the WhatsApp chat.
– Tap the contact’s name.
– Tap Disappearing messages.
– If prompted, tap CONTINUE.
– Select On.
How to Disable the Disappearing Feature
– Open the WhatsApp chat.
– Tap the contact’s name.
– Tap Disappearing messages.
– If prompted, tap CONTINUE.
– Select Off.
How Does Disappearing Feature Work
According to WhatsApp, the disappearing feature which automatically deletes messages after seven days “won’t affect messages you previously sent or received in the chat.”
The new feature also wipes photos, videos and other attachments after seven days. However, screenshots can still be taken before the messages disappear.
Media contents and other attachments already saved will not be affected by the automatic deletion feature.
A user who doesn’t open his messages after the seven days will have his messages deleted but notification will still be there.
Users can also quote deleted messages during a reply and the reply will also be deleted after another seven days.
If a disappearing message is forwarded to a chat with disappearing messages off, the message won’t disappear in the forwarded chat.
A user who creates a backup before a message disappears, the disappearing message will be included in the backup but will be deleted when a user restores from a backup.
WhatsApp Pay
WhatsApp Pay is also expected to go live soon and work with banks across the world using unified payment interfaces.
According to WhatsApp, the feature is currently available in India testing on limited users before it becomes fully available for all users across the world.
The WhatsApp pay is expected to help buyers and sellers to use the platform for buying and selling products.
The pilot project in India has been facing problems with internal monetary regulatory agencies but it is currently smoothly working with over 20 million users in the country.
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