Water Dispenser |
Water from water dispenser as a source of Infection. Water is essential for life and every one desire a clean, portable and quality water to drink. But, this desire also comes with it's own challenges, one of which is the build up of micro organisms which when ingested result infection and disease.
Every home and offices is proud to have a water dispenser, but, very few care or have the knowledge of what they are using. Water from a dispenser is almost the first choice for most people at home or in our offices, but, the question we never asked is how truly safe is the water from this dispensers?
Water from a dispenser should be one of the safe water to drink, if the source is safe. Another factor to consider is the dispenser itself. Is the dispenser safe the day it was purchased and installed? That is, is it free from contamination? And if yes, did you maintain that quality? And if yes how did you achieved this?
The answers to the questions above must be overall yes, for dispenser water to be safe for drinking.
1. The source of the water must be safe, it must meet standard quality for drinking water.
2. The recircled bottle must be guarantee to be sanitized every time it is to be reused.
I have seen situation where companies take their dispenser bottles to any tap water and refilled and then returned to their dispenser in this case quality have been compromised. So be careful don't be in a rush to drink from a dispenser you are not sure of the source of water.
3.The dispenser itself must be sanitized at least once in a week, and thorough cleaning of inner components once a month or month months. But, this is hardly achieved largely due to lack of knowledge, we must ensure that we use suitable sanitizer to sanitize our dispenser weekly to eradicate microorganisms that can cause illness in our body system. Mechanical cleaning is also very important to remove solid dirt and other dirt which comes along with usage.
If we observed all these, then our dispenser water can be said to be safe for drinking, and all disease-causing causing microbes eradicated or reduced to a minimum.
Always remember that the best water to drink is the water you treated yourself and or water from a trusted company or source.
Remember that water from a water dispenser is not always safe to drink except you have evidence of it quality and the hygienic status of dispenser itself.
Clean Water is Wealth
Drink safe
Stay safe
Stay healthy
Health is wealth
MyCleanWater Nigeria is a registered company in Nigeria with expertise in water treatment and installation of mini water treatment plants for domestic and industrial purposes.
if you have any water problem, water treatment problem you can reach us
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